What are Keywords?
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    What are Keywords?

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    What are Keywords?

    Keywords are labels or classifications that tells you something more about an addressee, individual or job. Keywords can be allocated to a record in the address book (client, prospective client, supplier, bank, etc.), an individual (contact, employee, etc.) or a job. 

    Keywords are a powerful tool providing you with additional precise and instantly available information. It is our experience that the use of keywords evolves as an organisation become more familiar with JobBag and the power of this function. 

    Create a Keyword →

    Allocating Keywords → 

    Container Keywords →

    A Container Keyword is a Keyword that is nominated as a ‘container’ for holding related keywords. 

    If you search for a container Keyword, address/contact/job records that have any of the ‘contained’ words are found as well. 

    Group: Companies/Business | SubGroup: Types of Businesses 
    Container Keyword: Printers
    Keywords: Printers-Books, Printers-Glass, Printers-Litho, Printers-Magnets, Printers-Photography, Printers-Supplies.

    Keyword Groups →

    A Keyword Group is the highest level of organisation of Keywords. JobBag has 2 pre-defined Groups : Companies / People. 

    The next level of organisation of Keywords are Keyword Sub-Groups. A Sub-Group is a way of organising keywords. Grouping Keywords into a subgroup allows you to easily identify related Keywords, and makes allocating Keywords easier as you can display the subgroup of Keywords without having to look through dozens of others that may not apply. It is recommended that a second level of organisation, or Sub-Group, be created to hold the Keywords as a minimum.

    Every keyword belongs to a single group. The same keyword can be assigned to multiple subgroups.

    Example: Types of Business could be the name of a subgroup that contains keywords identifying all the different businesses of the addressees in the Address Book. This subgroup is very useful when allocating keywords to addressees as they are recorded.

    Keyword Reports →

    Often business names do not shed any light on what business a supplier is in, what services they are capable of supplying, or what special processes they are known for. By allocating keyword(s), you are able to identify more about a supplier than their name when you look at their record. Where do you think Jigsaw Copy Print Solutions would advertise in the Yellow Pages? Answer: Magnets & Magnetic Materials (strange but true).

    In the example above, if you had created and then allocated the keyword 'magnets’ to this supplier when you recorded their details, you would have instant access to this supplier's information when you searched for that keyword. 

    Job Types give you the ability to categorise the type of jobs that you do for your clients, however, there are intricacies about jobs that are often useful to know, but you would not want to make up a new job type otherwise you would end up with dozens of job types. 

    Example: Your organisation is well known for creating Annual Reports but depending on the client, their budget these can vary greatly in size. How would you find Annual Reports of a similar size if you were about to quote for a new job?
    If you have keywords like 1-12 pp, 13-24pp, 25-36pp and 36+ pp, it would make locating annual report jobs easier and assist you with providing quotes for your clients and prospects. 

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