Self Billing Non-Performing talent Invoice
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    Self Billing Non-Performing talent Invoice

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    Article Summary


    Self billing talent can be performing artists or non performing artists.  They have an ABN and may or may not have a GST registration. Some may choose to contribute to superannuation. 

    To create a supplier invoice for self billing performing artists refer to create talent agent invoice.

    The  process for creating a supplier invoice for 'Self billing non performing artists' is listed below. The example below has a purchase order (which is recommended good practice). These supplier invoices can be created without a PO.

     Create Supplier Invoice from PO

    The makeup artist (non performing) was set up as below - with an ABN and registered for GST.

    When a PO is created, there is GST and superannuation. Depending on the arrangements, the superannuation can be removed. There are no oncosts.

    Create supplier invoice by right click on the PO

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