Jobs Window
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    Jobs Window

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    Article summary


    Jobs are the primary means of organising your work (and your time). Within a Job, there are Phases and Tasks. There are also Master and Sub Jobs. At the most basic level, JobBag uses Kinds to account for time spent, and uses Kinds to generate Reports.

    Jobs Window

    The Jobs window is the nerve centre of JobBag. 

    Client jobs start here and it is from here that you can find out everything you need to know about a job. With a job, you can create a quote or estimate, raise purchase orders and RFQs, enter timesheet, item charges and general charges incurred on the job, create invoices, and print job reports –– JobBag’s entire job costing system comes into effect when a job is created. It is through the Jobs menu, that you will control your jobs, looking at where jobs are compared to budget and to quote. This is where you measure Job profitability.

    The Jobs window consists of 3 parts.

    1. Jobs Worklist: the top part of the window that shows a list of jobs

    Job Information: the middle part of the window that displays basic information about the selected job.

    Tabs: the bottom part of the window that contains a tab control that gives you access to specific details of the selected job.

    Jobs Worklist

    The Jobs worklist at the top is where you select jobs. You can click on the name of the currently selected worklist to see a list of existing worklists you can choose from. You can create your own lists but there are also a number of lists provided to you by the system. It is also possible for you and your colleagues to share your custom lists.

    Static and Dynamic Worklists

    The worklist can contain a saved list of jobs or save a dynamic worklist. A dynamic worklist will execute a search and retrieve a new list of jobs that match the search criteria each time the worklist is opened.

    For example, the worklist ‘All live jobs’ that JobBag provides by default will always present you with all jobs in the system with a 'live' status.


    The filter is a faster way to find jobs than going through the search window to find jobs. The filter bar is located between the header of the worklist and the jobs listed in the worklist.

    More Worklist Options

    More options in the worklist are available by right-clicking on the list. For example, one of the options is the ability to configure the columns you see in the worklist.


    The toolbar has two buttons specific to the worklist.

    Related article: Selecting multipljobbag help-jobs-selecting multiple jobse Jobs

    This icon switches between hiding and showing the worklist. When clicked the worklist will collapse into a smaller banner sized control that allows you to navigate the contents of the worklist with previous/next buttons and free up a lot of space in the window.

    This icon brings up the Search for jobs window. This window allows you to search for Jobs using specific criteria. The criteria can then be saved as a dynamic worklist.
    More about Searching for Jobs.

    Job Information section

    The information section of the Jobs window provides details about the selected job:

    Click on the underlined labels to look up related records or edit some of the details on the job.

    Click on status to change the status of the job.

    Click on the arrow button on the left to collapse the information section.


    The Tabs on the lower half of the Jobs window is how information about a Job is organized.

    To choose which tabs to display, click on the cogwheel button to the right of the line of tabs. This will call up a Tab selection window. Move the tabs you want to display to the right-hand column and drag and drop to reorder tabs.

    Right-click on the line of tabs to reset tabs.

    Icons in the Job Window

    All actions for Jobs are controlled via buttons on the right-hand menu.

    Show/Hide: This toggle shows or hides the Jobs Worklist.

    Find: Search for Jobs and / or create new Worklists.
    Search for jobs

    New: Select this button to create a new Job.
    Create a Job

    Edit: This will enable you to edit a Job’s details.

    Clone: This copies or clones a Job. A new Job will be created with similar details.

    Rates: Select this to assign Special Rates to the selected Job.

    Keywords: Assign or edit Keywords for the selected Job.

    Email: Enables you to send an Email to the client related to the particular Job.

    WIP & Accruals: This is the WIP as you go button.

    Settings: Adjust Job Settings here. This is normally configured on an organization-wide level.
    Job Settings

    History: View all changes made on the selected Job.

    Print: Generate reports related to the selected Job.

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