Create Estimate with Options for Talent
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    Create Estimate with Options for Talent

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    Article summary

    Create Estimate with Options for Talent


    Use this process if you wish to present one or more cost options to your client on a single estimate and have not yet created a PO for the talent supplier. 

    In this example we are adding two options to the estimate to present to the client


    Create Estimate

    In the Quote/Estimates tab select the + button to create a new estimate.

    Enter the main costs for services which apply to both options

    Add the options to estimate

    To add the first option navigate to Add to option dropdown > Select New option > give a name to the new option 

    Give a name to the option; for example "Six Month Campaign"

    To Add a second option navigate to Add to option dropdown > Select New option > give a name to the new option 

    Give a name to the second option for example "Twelve Month Campaign"

    Enter Costs for each option

    Enter talent costs for Option "Six Month Campaign" > select Add to option > ensure the correct option is selected

    Details of costs created for "Six Month Campaign" option

    Add an estimate for talent costs for a six month campaign. When you enter the kind code TAL and a talent supplier - JobBag calculates the on-cost of $182.36 which in this case consists of:

    In this database the Workers Compensation rate is 6.5% and the Payroll Tax rate is $0.5%

    Payroll Tax @0.5% of $1105.00 = $5.525 (rounded to $5.53)

    Workers Compensation @6.5% of $1105.00 = $71.825 (rounded to $71.83)

    Superannuation @10.5% of $1000.00 = $105.00

    Total Oncosts = $5.53 + $71.83 + $105.00 = $182.36

    Create option costs for Twelve Month Campaign

    Estimate with two options

    Printed Estimate with two options

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