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    Article summary

    Countries: How to set these up

    You need to set up the countries you will be dealing with in JobBag. 

    Navigate to: File menu > Configuration > Countries > New 

    The three tabs where the  following information configured for each each county:

    Country tab

    For your employees, suppliers, freelancers and talent, the Countries must be set up correctly so that payments and tax requirements flow through correctly. 

    Learn how to configure Countries here →

    1. Select a country code from the drop down list. Eg., The country code for Australia must be AUS - the code provided in the drop down list.
    2. We recommend using the (optional) address lookup service. This helps you fill in the right information in the Address fields. 
    3. Input the default Currency for that Country.
    4. Option to use Australian Business Register service.
    5. Customise the TFN, ABN, ACN labels.

    Tax tab

    Configure Tax rules for each Country here →

    Configure GST and Withholding Tax →

    Select options for GST. Select Tax department and enter rates, if applicable.

    Decide on withholding tax rates for supplier and client invoices. 

    Specify division on which tax needs to be recorded and basis for GST.

    Set up tax basis for PAYG and Talent →  

    Decide on tax basis for Talent.

    Configure superannuation rates for payroll →

    Update superannuation rates for period starting on 1 July 2023. Note the rates for the year starting on 1 July 2022 has been created by JobBag.

    Workers compensation rates.

    Payroll tax rates.

    Decide on child age for processing Talent.

    Decide on the talent payment basis eg weekly or fortnightly or monthly.

    Leave accrual default basis for employees.

    Post Codes tab

    This is deprecated, no longer in use. 


    This Configuration section also lets you choose if you want to use Address Lookup and ABN Lookup services.

    The Tax tab, set up all of your tax rules here:

    If the country is not liable for tax it is very simple:

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