Product News March 2023
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    Product News March 2023

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    Article Summary

    Updated Security Measures - Password Requirement Changes

    Due to recent events, JobBag has increased the security protocol when logging on to JobBag. 

    When you are required to change your password you will now need a special character (!@#$%^&*) along with a capital, lower case and number. The minimum number of characters is set in your database password settings, the default minimum is 5 characters but this can be changed to force longer passwords.

    To learn more about password settings see, User Maintenance Settings

    You can increase security even further by turning on two factor authentication for all users. Two Factor Authentication

    Issues on Mac unzipping JobBag installer

    If you are using a Mac computer and have run into issues with unzipping the installer when upgrading, this is related to increased security in Mac OSX. 

     Please follow the instructions in this link to resolve the issue → 

    Enhancements and Fixes

    Withholding tax for other countries, specifically Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand can now apply to multiple countries where there are multiple taxable countries within a database
    This is an enhancement of the WHT system that applies in many Asian countries.  This enhancement allows you to run multiple divisions within one database and have different tax withholding schemes apply in each division.  This also allows you to report to the relevant tax authority in each country and accurately track the withholding liability.

    New ATO certificates for inclusion in next build 81235
    The ATO periodically releases new certificates that you need to have in JobBag in order to connect to the SBR/STP services from JobBag.  The latest build, 81235, has new certificates in it so you should be able to connect without any problems.

    When a PO has a credit line it shows as blank and the credit line when the supplier invoice is created is also blank.
    We have reworked the order that lines appear on an invoice from a PO so that credit lines appear first and are automatically taken up when entering a supplier invoice.  This will speed up entering multi-line invoices that have credit amounts on them.

    To see a more comprehensive list in JobBag, go to File > Preferences > Release notes

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