Troubleshooting STP Reporting Errors with the ATO
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    Troubleshooting STP Reporting Errors with the ATO

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    Article Summary

    Some times we get a strange messages received back from the ATO. See below what some of them mean

    JobBag Notice - Server Error

    Machine Credential needs to be renewed. Click here for further instructions about how to renew your machine credential

    JobBag Notice - xml_sec: Couldn't load private key

    Incorrect password - You have entered the wrong password. Try again!

    If you have forgotten your password you will need to create a new machine credential

    JobBag Notice - Your alias hasn't been setup correctly

    This generally happens when you swap computers from home to office or when you get a new computer. 

    Swapping computers - Edit setting in jobBag and navigate to the keystore/machine credentials

    New computer - You need to create a new machine credential

    JobBag Notice - Can't find or resolver server

    STP reporting with the ATO is down. Client will receive this message when they try sending an STP file to the ATO. 

    Click on link to monitor status with the ATO

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