Product News May 2022
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    Product News May 2022

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    Article summary

    Product News May 2022

      New Features Alert : Knowledge Base Assistant! 

    We are improving our JobBag Knowledge base, and are pleased to introduce the Knowledge Base Assistant. Use the Assistant to search for answers to your questions, or see what others have asked before. 

    If you are using JobBag on the web, try out the Knowledge Base Assistant by clicking on the purple button at the bottom right side of the page. 

    If you are using JobBag on your computer,  click on the Help button in the top menu bar and select Open Help. 


    Invite Freelancers to internal WIP meetings 

    • Simply add the email address registered to the Freelancer(s) and they will receive the meeting invite.  

    New columns added to Jobs Worklists

    • Purchase Order (PO) Number, 
    • Supplier name, 
    • Purchase Order (PO) Date, 
    • Purchase Order (PO) Amount, and 
    • Outstanding Amount

     UI / UX improvements

    • Hyperlinks in Job Note previews are now clickable hyperlinks, so there is no need to expand a Note to select your hyperlink.  

    Other improvements

    • Monthly summary formatting has been improved. 
    • Minor performance, bug fixes, and security improvements.


    Give the JobBag team feedback so we can make more informed product decisions.

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