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    Article summary

    A Task is any step, process or action that describes what has to happen, e.g." Concept development for review with client" or "Write strategy document".  A task may take a long time or be completed relatively quickly - the time-frame is  not important, the tasks define what has to be done to get the job done.

    Most tasks will have a Budget that is based on the value of the effort required to complete the task.  If the work is performed internally the value will likely be based on the Charge Rate for the Kind of work performed. Some tasks won't have a Budget as they are milestones like "awaiting client approval".

    The above image shows 6 tasks:

    • 4 which are linked to a Kind and therefore have Value;

    • 2 that represent events that help define the job - client approvals in this example.

    Task Statuses

    The status of a task defines a meaning that informs the user "where" the task is up to.  In JobBag we have 5 core task Status Groups that define the the following:

    • Potential - denotes that this is being used to plan out what might happen if the job is approved to go ahead.  Timesheets can not be recorded against this status.

    • Pending - generally used to show that this task will be going ahead in the future but is not ready to go ahead now.  Timesheets can not be recorded against this status.

    • Active - this task can be worked on, timesheets can be recorded against the task.

    • Completed - the task in completed, no timesheets can be recorded against this task.

    • Stuck - there is a problem with this task, there are questions or actions that need to be resolved before it can proceed.

    Refer to the article on Using task status in your workflow for more information on how to use your own statuses.

    Why have Task Status Groups?

    The Status Groups define the core behavior for any task status within that group but they don't always provide enough flexibility for describing the where a task is up to or used for.  E.g. the Pending status is useful for communicating that this is a task that will be worked on in due course but isn't ready to be done now.  No timesheets can be recorded against a task with the Pending status.

    That same meaning can be really useful for holding the budget for a large task that will take place over a long period. One example is for a task that defines a role or series tasks that will be created over a number of weeks or months. The main task will hold the budget and track the overall spend, sub-tasks will be created as the job progresses, allowing you to book resources more effectively by day(s) or week(s).  Refer to the page on Managing Tasks That Go On Forever.

    Pending Task Status examples

    • Budget - used as a parent task, sub-tasks are created within it and use part of the budget from the parent task.

    • Milestone -used to create milestones throughout the timeline of the job.  No Kind assigned to them, they just have a start and end date.

    • Review - used to denote when reviews/approvals are due.  Commonly used when approvals required from a client following presentation of material for their review.

    Create a task

    Select the Add new task button. 

    This triggers the Create Task dialog.


    A Task can contain Sub-Tasks. This is what a Sub-Task looks like:- 

    Use the left and right carets to change a task into a sub-Task of the one above it. 

    Assign task

    Tasks can be assigned to specific people, roles, departments. 

    They can also be assigned to no one, or more than 1 of the above. 

    When a task is assigned to more than 1 person, it shows up in each person's calendar and task list. 

    Set a task budget

    A task can have an amount of time (and thus $ value) planned for it. 

    For example, this task has 1 hour planned, which is the equivalent of $200.00 in value (determined by assigned employees' charge rates. 

    It is possible to use just the Days column, but this means there will be no costs for that Task. 

    Budgets for Sub-Tasks

    Eg., if a task budget is 3h, and a sub-task with a budget of 1h is created, the original task will display 2h (3h - 1h) and the total task will continue to contain 3h.

    Duplicate a task

    Hold the Shift key down, click to select the three dots to the left of Task Description field. Drag to another row to Duplicate the task. 

    Rename task

    Click within the task description field to trigger editing mode. 

    Delete a task

    Click on the red button next to the Task Description to delete the task. 

    What happens to Timesheets logged on deleted Tasks?

    If time has been logged on a Task, and the Task is deleted, the timesheet is moved to the Phase that the Task is in. 

    If time has been logged on a sub-Task, and the sub-Task is deleted, the timesheet is moved to the parent Task. 

    Error: "You can't delete this Task unless you delete all child Tasks"

    This error displays when a user attempts to delete a parent Task when there is time logged on one or more child Tasks. Delete each child task so that the timesheets are moved correctly. 

    Need more help?

    Contact JobBag support on 02 8115 8090 or email support@jobbag.com

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