Keyword Groups and SubGroups
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    Keyword Groups and SubGroups

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    Article summary

    Keyword Groups and SubGroups 

    A Keyword Group is the highest level of organisation of Keywords. JobBag has 2 pre-defined Groups : Companies / People. 

    The next level of organisation of Keywords are Keyword Sub-Groups. A Sub-Group is a way of organising keywords. Grouping Keywords into a subgroup allows you to easily identify related Keywords, and makes allocating Keywords easier as you can display the subgroup of Keywords without having to look through dozens of others that may not apply. It is recommended that a second level of organisation, or Sub-Group, be created to hold the Keywords as a minimum.

    Every keyword belongs to a single group. The same keyword can be assigned to multiple subgroups.

    Example: Types of Business could be the name of a subgroup that contains keywords identifying all the different businesses of the addressees in the Address Book. This subgroup is very useful when allocating keywords to addressees as they are recorded.

    Create a Keyword Group 

    Follow these steps to create groups should you decide additional groups are needed. Notes: The two predefined groups may be all you need to start using the keywords functionality effectively. However, it is recommended that you do create subgroups as a minimum before adding the keywords.

    • Select Keywords through the JobBag menu.
    • Click Groups on the toolbar.

    • Click New groups on the toolbar.
    • Enter the Group name and any comments that will be useful for future reference.
    • Select the green tick to save the group name. 
    • Set the Target areas and the defaults for the group.

    Create a Keyword Sub-Group

    • Select Keywords through the JobBag menu.  
    • Click Groups and highlight the group that the subgroup is to be created under. 
    • Click New subgroup on the toolbar.

    • Enter the Subgroup name and any comments that will be useful for future reference. For example, you may want to create subgroups such as Clients, Suppliers, Prospects, Employees, in order to ‘group’ words into appropriates sets for the situation at hand.
    • Press green tick to save the subgroup name.
    • Set the Target areas and the defaults for the group.

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