Media Phases
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    Media Phases

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    Article summary

    Media Phases


    You can create many phases in a media plan, for example, Radio, Digital, Press etc.

    You are able to:

    • Change the name of the default media plan
    • Enter start and end dates for a phase
    • Add new phases
    • Schedule media spots beyond the end date of a media phase
    • Move media phases around

    Default Media Plan Phase

    When you create a media job, the default phase name is usually Phase 1 unless you have set up a default template plan.

    Change Name of Default Media Phase

    Note: The default Phase 1 cannot be deleted, you need at least one phase in a plan.

    Right-click on a phase to edit  the phase name

    Add a New Phase

    Step 1 Click on

    Step 2 Complete the entry screen

    Step 3 Click on

    An example of a media plan with two phases

    Add Media Plan to a Phase

    You now have a job with two media phases.

    Add a media plan to selected phase

    Schedule media beyond the end date of a phase

    Note: You can schedule media spots beyond the scheduled date.
    When a media spot is scheduled beyond the end date of a phase - the dates change colour

    When you click on

    a warning message appears

    Click on to create the media plan

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