Create Foreign Currency Media Plan
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    Create Foreign Currency Media Plan

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    Article summary

    Create Foreign Media Currency Plan


    The process of creating a media plan in foreign currency is as follows.

    1 Create a foreign currency media supplier
    2 Create a foreign currency media client
    3 Create a media plan
    4 Change currencies on plan for client
    5 Create PO
    6 Create supplier invoice
    7 Create client invoice

    Create Foreign Currency Media Supplier

    Create a media supplier - note the country of business determines the currency of the supplier.

    Create Foreign Currency Client

    Create a media supplier - note the country of business determines the currency of the client.

    Create Foreign Currency Media plan

    There are two parts in the media plan:

    Step 1

    Cost - Supplier Section:
    - The system will default to the system currency for the supplier
    - JobBag uses the currency set up for the supplier' s country of business as the default currency
    - If your supplier requests for an invoice in a different currency - you can select another currency
    - If you wish to change the exchange rate, you can select another rate from the drop down list

    Billing - Client Section
    - Exchange Rate Margin %: use this option when you wish to add a safety margin against the foreign exchange movements.
    - If your client requests for an invoice in a different currency - you can select another currency
    - If you wish to change the exchange rate, you can select another rate from the drop down list

    Step 2

    Media plan where supplier's invoice is in pounds sterling and the client invoice is in Australian dollars.

    Step 3

    Same media plan but the client is invoiced in NZ$.

    When you click on the drop down icon in the top left hand corner - a second row appears. This second row shows the numbers in Australian Dollars which has been set up

    Create foreign currency media PO

    Approved PO

    Media plan with approved PO - i.e. booked media plan

    Create foreign currency media supplier invoice

    Process Media supplier invoice

    General ledger transaction when media supplier invoice is processed

    Create foreign currency media client invoice

    Logged client inv - this is in NZ$

    General ledger transactions for client invoice

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