Kinds, Items, Creation, Editing, and Deletion
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    Kinds, Items, Creation, Editing, and Deletion

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    Article summary


    Items are used in JobBag to identify and define charge rates for everything that is charged out on a per-unit basis. In the average studio such items include colour laser proofs, art materials, photocopies, burnt discs etc. Items are linked to kinds, and can only be created within a kind that has been set up with the

    ‘Include items within this kind’ option marked.

    Generally, the kind that contains the items and the items themselves work together.

    Example: Photocopies are items and are charged out on a price per unit basis. However, an employee performs the work of producing the photocopies. Whether or not the employee’s time is to be charged to the client, it is valuable to know how much time was devoted to the task so for that purpose the kind that contains the photocopy item is used Notes: It is worth spending time and thought on creating item codes. Deleting an item code is only possible by assigning the records that use that item code to another item code.

    You can change descriptions and rates at any time as necessary.

    Flexible JobBag is exceptionally flexible regarding items combined with kinds – it caters for all degrees of simplicity or complexity. Example: You may have only one charge rate for a laser proof or a photocopy. On the other hand, you may charge for such items according to different type and size specifications

    CREATING ITEMS Follow these steps to create items – after creating categories and kinds.

    Remember: It is worth spending time and thought on creating item codes. Deleting an item code is only possible by assigning the records that use that item code to another item code.

    1. Select Kinds through the JobBag window. 2. Select the category that has the kind that is to have items attached. 3. Highlight the kind that the new item is to belong to. 4. Select New Item from the pop-up list.

    5. [Tab] through the fields, entering information in the fields as required:

    Item Code enter the unique code that this item is to be known by – it often helps to make the item code reflect the size eg. XLSB for Extra Large Storyboard. Short name Enter a name that identifies this kind to the JobBag user. Description Enter a descriptive full/long name to be used in quotes/estimates, orders and invoices. If nothing is entered, the short name is used. Charge rate Enter the hourly charge rate that this item is charged out at when timesheets are entered and is used to calculate the chargeable value of time when creating a quote/estimate. Cost rate Enter the hourly cost rate that is added to a job when entering a timesheet (if no special cost rate has been set for the employee). It is also used to calculate the budgeted cost on a quote/estimate

    Select to save the item. Procedure complete


    Follow these steps to edit items.

    1. Select Kinds through the JobBag window. 2. Expand the category containing the kind that contains the item. 3. Highlight the item code and click on the edit button. 4. Make whatever changes are required. 5. Press [Enter] to save the changes to the item. 6. Procedure complete


    You can delete an item but you cannot delete a record that uses that item therefore when you instruct JobBag to delete an item you must select another item to assign those records to (costs, traffic activities, invoice lines, etc). You may know the item has not been used but JobBag insists that you select an item for the records to be assigned to IN CASE records are found during its search/delete process.

    Important: 1. This procedure may take a long time and cannot be reversed! 2. Check the GL mapping for the two kinds involved, if not identical, unexpected results may occur in balances and reports

    Follow these steps to delete an item.

    1. Select Kinds through the JobBag window. 2. Find the item to be deleted. 3. Click on the delete button.

    A window will open with a list of items to merge the old into, select an item and green tick.

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