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JobBag sends users 2 types of notifications:
- Global notifications:
- Personal notifications
Global Notifications
What are they?
Global notifications are notifications set up organisation-wide. They are useful to ensure that people on your team are being made aware of changes that would affect their roles.
Set these Notifications up:
Notifications are configured in: File /Configuration /Notifications
Select the + button and a drop down list of new notification subscriptions appears:
For example, select “Notify the Account Executive when a task has gone over budget”
You have options to further “refine” the configuration of the notification by relating it to kinds and job types
Personal Notifications
What are they?
Personal notifications are notifications set up by each person. In conjunction with Global notifications, they are for users who want to monitor specific things, for example, all task changes on a particular Job.
Set these Notifications up:
Go to the Stats menu to find Notifications
Select the cog wheel Settings button on the top right of the Your Notifications window.
Select the green plus ( + ) sign. This will display the New subscription to notification dialog box.
Use the drop-down menu at the top of the New subscription to notification dialog and select the type of notification that suits your needs.
Ensure that the right Job Name )if required) or Job Type or Job Status is selected. Click 'Save' at the bottom of the window to save this Notification.
Need more help?
Please contact support call 02 8115 8090 or email support@jobbag.com