Job settings
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    Job settings

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    Article summary


    The Job Settings window determines how JobBag will behave while the user is in the Jobs window, for example, default job numbering, warnings, etc.

    Though the Job Settings window is generally accessible only to the System Administrator, it is useful to know what has been set as it will affect different aspects of a job. You will need access to this with a privilege in User Maintenance. You can access the setting in the configuration menu and the job window.

    Select the options you require in the Job Settings window

    Fields and Functions

    Field Name


    Use fractional item rates

    Allows decimal item rates

    Allow partial items

    When marked, allows the use of parts of items. If not marked, items are always a whole number

    Start day with an empty worklist

    When JobBag is opened, an empty job window will open

    Deadline is mandatory

    When marked, you must fill a deadline date when a job is created

    Default job type

    Job type your organisation would use most often for new jobs

    Warn if deadline lies:

    An option to add a number of years for the deadline date to not go beyond

    Account executive options

    Select which option is appropriate, the user creating the job or the AE assigned to the client

    New job keywords

    An option to add default keywords when creating a job

    Auto-open keywords with new jobs

    When marked, the Keyword Allocation window will be opened when a new job is opened

    Opening fee

    An option to apply a fee for the job automatically

    Number documents sequentially by job

    When marked, notes etc are numbered sequentially

    Job numbering

    see below

    Number of digits

    Nominates the number of digits (say) 4 determines the length eg 0002, 1000, 3879 etc for job numbers.

    Default billing cycle

    Select the most used billing cycle to apply to jobs, this can be changed when creating a job. The options are Bill on completion, Bill monthly, Pre-bill and Retainer

    Job Numbering

    Job numbers follow a numeric sequence.

    • Nominating the number of numeric digits determines the length.
    • For practical purposes the number of digits should not be greater than 10.
    • You cannot have two jobs with the exact same number

    JobBag allows a user to choose what order they want the job numbers to be - either derived by clients or numeric and whether they want job numbers by client or system-wide numbering.

    Global Numbering

    When you select Global Numbering or Client Prefix with System-Wide Numbering or Parent Prefix with System-Wide Numbering you will be warned that the last job number used in the job settings window will determine the next job number. You can select the last number used.

    Client or Parent with System Wide Numbering

    In this case you have the client prefix with sequential numbering

    Client or Parent Numbering

    In this case you have to set the last number used on each client record. This starts with 0001 in the client record but can be changed.

    • Job numbers have a prefix added to them each time a job is raised based on the client’s name – firstly determined by the system but changeable by the user.
    • Length of number can be between 1 and 6 digits. If you set the length to 3 and your next number is 1000, JobBag defaults to 4 numbers.

    • Number by client means the next job number for any client is based on the last used job number for that client. Which means you could have AVC1234, WBC1234, and WES1234. The numeric part of the number is tracked for each client and is set in the client’s record in the Client window.
    • System-wide numbering means job numbers are not tracked individually by the client but centrally for the whole system. The job number still uses the prefix for the client but the numeric segment increments based on the last used number set. Therefore, job numbers might look like AVC1234, WBC1235, WES1236, AVC1237, etc.

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