Bank account types
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    Bank account types

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    Article summary

    Bank Account Types

    The following bank account types are already set up and can be edited if required.

    • Australian
    • New Zealand
    • Credit Card

    You can configure additional bank formats if you require additional international bank account formats such as:

    • IBAN (International Bank Account Format)
    • Swift Codes (which is a unique bank code identifier)

    You can change the label of the field to accommodate international bank account information.

    NOTE: Remove the hash marks to remove the limitation of characters.

    It is now possible to store in JobBag encrypted credit card account numbers.

    To configure Bank Account Types

    Go to File > Configuration > Bank Account Types

    To add a new bank account type, select the + button and complete the fields as below. If you leave a field empty the related data will not be recorded for the account of type.

    Field Name


    Is active

    If unticked this format will not be available

    Bank number format

    Number format used by bank

    Account number format

    Number format used bank. The ## denotes how many numbers must be entered, eg 001234567. You can remove these so there will be no need to add zeros before the account number if the number has less than 9 digits

    Has expiry date

    Fill this for a credit card type account.


    Add a number of digits if you don't want the whole number visible in the bank account window in the address book

    Need more help?

    Please contact support, call 02 8115 8090 or email

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