CRM How-to
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    CRM How-to

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    Article Summary

    Address Book : Set it up as a CRM

    What is a CRM? Why does a business need a CRM?

    An active account management team can create a lot of data, and a lot of administration. All too often, details are missed if they are handwritten notes or stored in a person's memory. Valuable follow-ups could be missed, and prioritising customers could end up as guesswork.

    Identify leads easily, and categorise them accurately. Focusing on the right leads can help account directors prioritise the right opportunities. An accurate, centrally held database shared with your team means that everyone on the team is on the same page about client information and past interactions. Your account service and marketing teams can focus their attention and energy on the right clients.

    Deliver an excellent client experience by remembering past interactions and other smaller details about your clients and prospects. Send targeted group emails to your contact groups.

    Cut decision making time with clear and accurate data, for example, see outstanding invoices instantly when on the phone with a client. Getting a clear overview of your clients will help your business deliver a great experience and keep your clients happy.

    What do I need to implement a CRM for my business?

    JobBag v8 is cloud-based, so you can work from anywhere with a reliable internet connection. We are also developing the browser version of JobBag, which is ultra-light and compatible with mobile phone browsers.

    Cloud-based CRMs generally structure pricing around the number of users who access the system and the number of contacts saved on the system. JobBag is similarly flexible; you only pay for the number of users you need to access the Address Book and the number of contacts is unlimited.

    How to get started?

    The rest of this article explains how JobBag's Address Book feature can be set up as a CRM to suit your requirements. Get started by importing your current contact list or learning how to segment and categorise your contacts.

    Can you do it for me?


    Contact us at today, so we can help you tailor JobBag for your contact management goals.

    01 : Segment and Manage your Contacts

    Using Keywords

    Keywords are unique identifiers that can be added to Contacts and Companies in JobBag, similar to tags in other software applications. Keywords let you easily sort, filter, segment and target contacts so that you can communicate in a tailored way with their specific interests or specialities in mind.

    It is easy to set up Keywords for a Contact. Within the Contact window, select either:-
    1 - Keywords, or
    2 - Edit and then Keywords

    This calls up the Keywords input dialog. Keywords available to you are located in the folder structure in 3. Selecting a folder displays the keywords in 4. Use the green + Add button (at 5)to add Keywords, and then complete the dialog by selecting Save.

    Or, add or remove keywords by Shift + selecting multiple address book entries.

    For more detail about setting up Keywords, refer to this article.

    02 : Exporting and Importing your Contact List

    When getting started with JobBag, our team will typically import contacts for you. This is often recommended as uploading CSV contact lists requires accuracy and familiarity with JobBag. Need to upload a batch of new contacts? Contact us today.

    If you need to export a contact list, use the Print button on your selected list to generate a CSV file.

    03 : Remember communication with each Contact

    If your sales process takes a while, perhaps a month or more, you will know how difficult it is to remember where each prospect is in the sales cycle and what happened during the last call.

    Long gaps in communication during the sales process can be managed by setting up reminders for follow up calls or emails. This is where a CRM becomes essential to help you track your prospects in your sales pipeline and improve your ROI.

    We recommend leaving Notes in the Communication tab, for key decisions and for recording what happened in the last call you made with a contact. Note types can be set up to reflect your sales process; learn how here.

    04 : Set up to-do reminders for a Contact

    In the Diary tab, set up Events for follow up calls or emails. These show up in your Active Diary so that you are reminded when something needs doing.

    05 : Set up jobs or tasks related to a Contact

    While within the Address Book and emailing a contact, you can associate the email with the job(s) so that you can find it again in the Communication tab in the tagged Jobs.

    06 : Customised bulk emails

    Need to notify a segment of your clients at once?

    Send a bulk email by 1, selecting the relevant address book contacts, 2, selecting the Email button, and 3, sending the email to all selected address book contacts.

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