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Configure Address Book Arenas
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Address Book Arenas
Arenas are a means of grouping Clients by the sector in which they are active.
When Clients are related to Arenas, they can be grouped in certain JobBag reports eg Income Analysis Reports.
To access the Arenas window, follow this path from the File menu:
Click on Configuration > Address Book > Arenas
Add New Arena
Click on to add a new arena.
Added a new arena 'West Coast'
The arena info is used when a client record is created.
Delete an arena
Click on the delete icon to delete a previously created Arena from JobBag.
However if an arena has been used, it cannot be deleted.
Edit an Arena
Edit the characteristics of this Arena.
Clone an Arena
Useful if you have notes which you do not wish to reenter - but you still have to enter a new code and name -