JBX Dashboard
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    JBX Dashboard

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    Personalise your Dashboard

    Upon logging in, take a moment to familiarise and personalise your dashboard. Here you'll find an overview of your Jobs/Projects you manage, leaderboard, my priorities/tasks, timesheets summary, annual leave, my expense claims.

    Let's explore the features available within the Dashboard

    • Leaderboard: The Leaderboard feature on a dashboard typically displays rankings of users or teams based on predefined metrics or key performance indicators (KPIs).

    • Job Manage: The Job Manage feature allows users to oversee their projects, or jobs and allows you to add timesheets.

    • My Priorities: My Priorities is a feature that enables users to prioritise tasks or activities based on their importance and urgency.

    • Annual Leave : The Annual Leave feature provides employees with visibility into their current leave balances, allows users to request leave, check status and calculate the future leave balance for any planned leave.

    • Timesheet Summary: The Timesheet Summary feature offers a consolidated view of time entries logged by users over a specified period.

    • My Expense Claims: My Expense Claims allows users to submit, track, and manage their expense claims.

    • Expense Claims: The Expense Claims feature provides administrators or finance personnel with oversight and control over employee expense claims.

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