Dashboard (JBX)
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    Dashboard (JBX)

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    Article summary


    The dashboard is the first window you view when you log into JobBag. There is a list of icons on the left-hand side. If you wish to view a full description of the icons, click on the arrow to expand the column or hover your cursor over the list of icons and right click. These icons give you access to processes in JobBag eg search for jobs, search for clients, create time sheets, create expense claims and create leave requests. In addition to the above, the dashboard provides additional information - refer to screen shot below: 

    Icons dashboard on a computer - access to JobBag processes

    The dashboard in a browser on a desktop computer. You have icons on the left which give you access to JobBag processes.

    The dashboard - either click on the 'expand' arrow or hover over the lefthand column and click to expand the menu

    Click on arrow to close the expanded column

    Information on Dashboard

    You can select the information you wish to view on the dashboard. Click on edit.

    Select the information you wish to view on the dashboard. 

    Note: The annual leave window allows you to calculate your leave outstanding and request leave.

    Dashboard on a Mobile Phone

    New more help?

    Please contact support call 02 8115 8090 or email support@jobbag.com

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