Find my Tasks for today/this week
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    Find my Tasks for today/this week

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    Article summary

    Find my Tasks for today / this week

    This article aims to help you find Tasks assigned to you for the day, or for the week. 

    There are 2 ways of doing this:- 

    1. My Timesheets/Tasks
    2. Saved Task list

    These are located under Tasks in the left hand menu in JBX. 

    See Tasks in My Timesheets/Tasks

    Select My Timesheets in the left hand menu. This will display first a list of timesheets you have logged. 

    Flip the toggle switch at the top left hand corner from Timesheets to Tasks. This will display a list of Tasks that have been assigned to you. 

    To change days, use the left and right arrow buttons at the top row. 

    You can do the Timesheet directly in this view by clicking on the Task and Add Timesheet, or use the Autotimer function.

    See Tasks in a saved Task list

    By default, JobBag displays a saved task list of all tasks assigned to you (the logged in user)

    Select Saved Task lists under the Tasks feature in the left hand menu to open. 

    Then, select the default task list. 

    Alternately, create your own Task list and then choose tasks from there. 

    Full instructions on how to do so are in this linked article: How can Task lists help me?

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