Configure Organisation Chart
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    Configure Organisation Chart

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    Article summary

    Configure Organisation Chart

    To access the Organisation Chart window, follow this path from the File menu:

    File > Configuration > Address book > Organisation chart

    Purpose of the Organisation Chart

    The organisation chart is not the traditional company organisation chart. 

    It is used to:

    • define departments and roles within the company  
    • link employees to their primary role
    • link employees to their secondary roles if necessary eg when an employee is a creative designer in the creative department as well as a designer in the digital department
    • link kind codes to the roles 

    The above groupings of departments and roles is used:

    1. to filter information in visual planning
    2. for payroll mapping
    3. for task planning

    How to create and delete a department

    Click on  and enter a name, in this example it is called "New department" then click on  .

    You now have a new department

    To delete a department, highlight the department and click on  and save the change.

    How to create a role

    A role is created for a department. Highlight a department and click on Add role.

    You now have a new role in a department

    How to add an employee to a role

    Follow this process:

    1. highlight a role - a border appears around the role
    2. select an employee 
    3. and drag them into the role

    Nicole Cruise has been added to "New Role"

    How to remove an employee from a role

    To remove an employee from a role, highlight the employee and drag them out.

    Employee's Primary Roles

    A solid star indicates this is the main role of the employee.

    Employee's Secondary Roles

    Secondary roles are created after a primary role is created.

    To create a secondary role for an employee start by highlighting the role and drag the employee into the second role

    To access the full list of employees, un-tick option "only show employees / freelancers without a role"

    Select employee eg Alan Bond from full list and drag into Client Service.

    Employee Alan Bond has been added to Client Service; it is his secondary role

    How to link kind codes to a role

    This is where we link persons to kind codes. Start by

    1. Highlight role
    2. Click in the 'kinds' space

    Select kind codes and click on

    When a role is highlighted, the kind codes used for the role is listed in the kinds box.

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