User Roles
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    User Roles

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    Article summary

    User Roles

    JobBag Expenses has three user roles:- Submitter, Approver, Finance

    Users with administration privileges can create configure these permissions. Often, users with the Finance roles also have configuration privileges. Check with your organisation's administrator for these details. 

    SubmitterCan upload receipts, create expenses and expense claims. Can submit claims for approval.
    Submitters are usually employees within the organisation. 
    ApproverCan perform every action of a Submitter.
    Can also approve claims submitted to them, including their own claims.
    Approvers are usually team leaders or managers within the organisation.
    Note: Depending on your organisation's settings, you may or may not 
    FinanceCan perform every action of an Approver. 

    Submit an Expense 

    Click on the 'EXPENSES" tab.

    You have the following options:

    1. Create expenses with or without attached files
    2. Delete an expense 
    3. Convert an expense into a claim

    You have the option to use filters to customise your view of expenses. 

    You have the option to view more or less columns of information. 

    Create a Claim

    Claims are created, edited, deleted and submitted in this tab.

    Manager  Review 

    This may be turned off for your organisation, or for users without appropriate privileges.

    Finance Process

     This may be turned off for users without the appropriate privileges.

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