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A Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up Stock/Inventory in JobBag
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See below a step-by-step guide for setting up and processing stock and inventory in JobBag
Stock/Inventory Set up process
Step 1: Choose Billable/Overhead option
This will depend on if you run wip and accruals each month
Yes - Billable Job
No - Overhead Job
Step 2: Create a Stock/Inventory Address book entry
This entry should be both a client and supplier
Step 3: Create a new Stock/Inventory Job Type
Note: You can use the overheads JobBag type if you choose the overheads option
Step 4: Create a new Stock/Inventory Job
Make sure you use the correct job type (Billable or Overheads)
Use stock/inventory address book entry for the client
Step 5: Create General Ledger account
Navigate to Ledger menu > Chart of accounts > New/Clone
Note: Cloning is the prefered option to create new GL accounts
Billings, direct costs and income account are mandatory for both Billable and Overheads options
The balance sheet account GL1420 is only needed for OVERHEADS option.
Note: Billable option will use the work in progress account GL 1300
Step 6: Create Stock/Inventory category/kind and items
Navigate to JobBag menu > Kinds > New category > Stock/Inventory Items
Step 7: Add STOCK kind to Stock/Inventory category
Use the same kind settings as set out below. For further information on these kinds settings refer to the add kind help page
Step 8: Add Stock/Inventory items to Stock kind
These items should be a list of stock/inventory items that you will buy and sell
Use the same items settings as per below. See add item to a kind help page for further information about other settings
Charge rate should be the sales price
Cost rate should be the costs price. This will need to be reviewed
Stock/Inventory Process
Step 1: Purchase Stock Items - Create PO
Creating PO from stock job (Purchase order tab) will pre-fill the job number in the PO
Add stock item in the kind field
Add Quantity
Add costs amount - Note: The cost amount will be calculated from the cost rate on the kind, however this can be over-written with the current quoted cost amount
Step 2: Stock/Inventory Items received - Create Supplier Invoice
Creating a supplier invoice from the PO will pre-fill the supplier invoice
Step 3: Record Sales of Stock Items - Add sales into estimate
Add Quantity
Cost/charge rate will come from the item, these are editable
Step 4: Record stock/inventory movements - Create item charges
Navigate to Costings menu > Item charges
This will move the stock and costs from the stock job into the client jobs, effectively reducing your stock balance
Step 5 Financial reporting
Use a Job Detail report to track and manage stock balances
Over time a stock-take adjustment will need to be made to these balances
Need more help?
Please contact support call 02 8115 8090 or email support@jobbag.com